
Peer-Reviewed Articles

Renewable energy development: Technology acceptance and policy support

Climate change politics & policy

Renewable energy & climate change nexus

Text-as-data (in Korean)

Working Papers 

"My club runneth over: Congestion, embedded clubs, and the UN Global Compact" with Christian Elliott

"Same policy, different dreams: Explaining the variation in local net-zero policy stringency in South Korea" with Yoonsoo Kim and Gyuhwan Kim

"Translocal climate club as a wall of fame? A panel study on the US cities' membership in Global Covenant of Mayors, 2014-2024" with Yoonsoo Kim 

"Rural-urban divide in renewable energy preferences: Evidence from Nevada's Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Ballot Initiative in 2020" with Nicolas Wittstock and Dawson Frost 

"Does size and surrounding landscape influence rural support for wind energy projects?" with Asli Cansunar, Nives Dolšak, and Aseem Prakash